Professor Gundhus obtained her Dr. polit in criminology at the University of Oslo in 2006. From 2006-2016 she worked at the Norwegian Police University College, and was appointed professor in 2013. She was a project member of Crime Control at the Borderlands of Europe, headed by professor Katja Franko, UiO.
From 2015 to 2020 she is leading a project entitled 'Risk management and police-public interaction' funded by Norwegian Research Council. As part of this project she is currently doing a study on transnational policing in local contexts in Norway, addressing use of intelligence and technology, and analysing how it influences police role and police-citizens encounters. Professor Gundhus has published widely on topics such as policing and transnationalism/globalization, police professionalism and discretion, and police methods and technology.
Professor Gundhus co-supervises the PhD project “Agents of Change? (Hi)stories, perspectives and everyday practices of intra-Schengen border officials. Human agency and street-level discretionary decision making in matters of cross-border mobility”.